
讲解: 陈中华 片长: 10 分钟 语言:英文 年代: 2014 难度:3/5 地:德国柏林。

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In this video, Master Chen covered the 3 main axes in the body, and how we could switch among them without tossing in the positive circle, and the analogy of a lever with different pivots. We discussed about the shoulder last week at Shoulder Movements in Positive Circle, we will continue this week regarding switching with the lower half of the body.

After viewing the video, you should be able to answer the following questions:
1) What is switching?
2) What is being switched?
3) How can switching be achieved?

在此视频中,陈老师讲解了人的三个主,和如何在不动的原则下在正圈中把它们转换,以及如何用不同支点的杠杆操作。 上周我们在正圈的肩视频中讨论了肩膀,我们将在本周继续讨论下身的转换作。

1) 什么是换点
2) 什么被转换?
3) 怎样完成转换?

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  1. 7:40 Master Chen used the analogy of typing a keyboard to show the concept of separation (he used to call it division of labour too). Each finger is designated to type only certain keys on a keyword, there is no crossing or jumping around. The same key is always pressed by the same finger. The phrase 各家自扫门前雪 just came to my mind. Every finger contributes to typing certain letters, a word, a sentence and then a paragraph will come along. The typing will then be efficient. In our body, if we want to increase the distance between the front hand and the rear foot, each body part in between will have its own function to contribute to that end goal.

    陈老师用打字键盘的实例来表示分开作的概念(他也称其为分工)。 指定每根手指仅负责键盘上特定的键,而不会重叠或过界。 始终用同一根手指按下相同的键。 我想到了“各家自扫门前雪”这句话。 每个手指键入特定字母,有助组成单词,句子,然后段落。 这样打字很有效。 在我们的身中,如果我们想增加前手和后脚之间的距离,中间的每个身部位都会发挥自己的作用,以实现最终目标。

  2. 6:20 The theory of 1/3: When measured against the floor, front kua to middle of front foot is 1/3, front kua to rear kua is the second 1/3, and rear kua to the middle of rear foot is the last 1/3.


  3. 5:45 Here is another demonstration of movement the entire structure forward. Note the separation between the bottom and top. When the feet move, the top stays erect and not moving. The top does not follow the movement of the bottom.

    这是整个结构前进的另一个示范。 注意下半身和上半身之间的分开。 当脚移时,上半身保持顶劲于不动。 上半身不会跟随下半身的

  4. 4:16 If we can’t reach the opponent, we must use our feet to move ourselves closer to the opponent. Note how Master Chen moved himself forward. The dang and two knees must form a triangle like a coat hanger that is solid in its shape. All movements must come from the feet (from knee down). The top must not move, like the chassis of a car, and only the wheels spin to carry the chassis around. Therefore, no leaning, no reach, no identation at the kua or waist.

    如果我们离对手太远,我们必须用脚的移整个人去靠近对手。 请注意陈老师如何前进。 档和两个膝盖必须形成一个三角形,就像衣架一样牢固。 所有运都必须来自脚(膝盖以下)。 上半身不动,要能像汽车的底盘一样移,只有轮子旋转才能带底盘。 因此,上身不半能前倾,手不能过分出,前胯不能塌,腰不能弯。

  5. 3:15 Master Chen demonstrated how to apply this concept into the positive circle. In the first half of the positive circle, we use the front shoulder-to-kua line as the axis. The longer lever arm is from the shoulder-to-kua line to the rear foot. in the 2nd half of the positive circle, we switch to use the back should-to-kua line as the axis. This switching is done without any body movement or tossing. Do not learn to fight too early, as it takes a long time to get the taiji actions in us.

    陈老师示范了如何将这个概念运用到正圈中。 在正圆的前半部分,我们使用前肩胯线作为。 较长的杠杆臂从肩胯线到后脚。 在正圈的后半部分,我们转换为使用后肩胯线作为轴。 无需任何身晃动而完成此转换。 我们不要太早学习用力对抗,因为太极拳作需要很长时间的训练去熟习。

  6. 2:00 We need to learn to switch between the two functional axes by moving the pivot to those axes. When the power arm of a lever is short, it has a long reach and the action is fast, but you need more strength to move the lever. When the power arm is long, it has a short reach and the action is slow, but it takes less effort to move the lever. By learning the three major positions of the pivot on a lever, we can eventually put the pivot anywhere on the lever. Not moving means establishing the pivot on a lever. The vertical axis allows a horizontal rotation.

    我们需要学习通过将移支点到两条进行转换。 当杠杆的力臂较短时,它的作用范围很长,作很快,但是您需要更大的力量才能转杠杆。 当力臂较长时,它的作用范围很短,作很慢,但是控制杆所需的力较少。 通过学习支点在杠杆上的三个主要位置,我们最终可以将支点放在杠杆上的任何位置不动的意思是在杠杆上建立支点竖轴允许平(横)转。

  7. 1:00 We have 3 vertical lines in our body. The one in the middle from top of head down is called central equilibrium, but that is not functional. The other two functional lines are from each of the shoulders down.

    我们的身有三条垂直线。 从头顶向下的中间位置的一个位置称为中线,但它没有实际作用。 其他两条有用的是从两个肩到胯。
