Maple Ridge Workshop Notes on Feb. 16, 2019

  • Showed the two new students the one, two, three counts for positive circle.
  • Corrected negative circle’s 1,2,3 counts. Change to in, turn and out. Used to be in, out, turn.
  • Showed Bill Vanderhall how to teach: a.  Identify three individuals to make corrections. b. show one correction to all students. c. give students time to digest and practice before group work again.
  • new students John Crow and Natalia Gagnon

关于 陈中华

陈式太极拳第十九代传人(亦作11代),陈式太极拳实用拳法海外掌门人,陈式混元太极拳二代传人。1979年起从洪均生宗师习陈氏太极拳实用拳法,1996年起从冯志强宗师习陈氏混元太极拳,为两位宗师入室弟子。 拳、剑、刀、杆俱精,推手技击出神入化,常发人于无形,堪称观止。生徒遍及近百三十国家地区,著述及译著丰富。
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