Information for English teachers at DQSITS

  • Four-day work week, Monday-Thursday
  • 11-13 teaching hours / 11-13 classes per week
  • High school-level classes
    Mostly for sure. Cannot guarantee 100%
  • Class sizes 25-35 students
    At this point I cannot say for sure. Will know when enrollment and classes are more up to date.
  • Opportunity to choose my own English-language textbook
  • Legal Z work visa support
  • No intensive emphasis on student testing
Also, below are a few more questions I have about the opportunity:
  • What will be my monthly salary?
    I can guarantee minimum of 10,000.00 RMB.
  • Will the school provide insurance to teachers?
  • Will I live in the on-campus housing provided for teachers? Will teachers pay for these apartments?
    Yes. You don’t have to pay for accommodation.
  • Will students at the new school be expected to take the Gau Kau?
    No. But mostly likely they will. The education level in Wulian is very high. Even those who could not afford to attend high school in the past and will come to our school are very good students. They mostly likely want to give it a try.
  • On a day-to-day basis, will students or teachers move to different classrooms for every class?
    Do not know at the moment.
  • As an English teacher at the school, will I also be able to teach English in the community privately?
    Only upon approval. And we will try to set up private classes for you and make sure you get extra pay for that.
  • When will major renovations/construction of the new campus begin?
    Already under way. Will be done by May or so.
  • Is there more information about the members of the incoming English department?
    Not yet. I am awaiting enrollment numbers.
  • How often will you be able to visit the school?
    5 times a year.
  • Last, I looked up Public-Private Partnerships online, which looks like an initiative of the World Bank. Is this the same PPP that you mentioned before?

    Yes in name and in content. The idea is from World Bank and is international. But what they are doing in China is purely a Chinese initiative.


关于 陈中华

陈式太极拳第十九代传人(亦作11代),陈式太极拳实用拳法海外掌门人,陈式混元太极拳二代传人。1979年起从洪均生宗师习陈氏太极拳实用拳法,1996年起从冯志强宗师习陈氏混元太极拳,为两位宗师入室弟子。 拳、剑、刀、杆俱精,推手技击出神入化,常发人于无形,堪称观止。生徒遍及近百三十国家地区,著述及译著丰富。
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